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Best Canadian Poker Sites By

Napoli, 21 Agosto – Probably the biggest challenge that a casino lover from Canada or anywhere else in the world can face is to play an amazing round of poker. This game brings thrill and entertainment like no other. Of course, it can be played in real money casinos. However, there are many online platforms that allow people to experience this level of enjoyment from virtually anywhere. Here some of the best Canadian poker sites will be mentioned.

But before deepening into that, let’s discuss a bit how has been the history of online poker in Canada. For example, the United States has many times attempted to curtail access to its citizens to this kind of portals, citing various different reasons. On the contrary, the only time that a part of the Canadian population was subject to a restriction was in 2006 when Ontario banned gambling-related ads. However, there have never been attempts to restrict the game itself.

There are a few local Canadian companies that have tried to enter the market, such as Loto-Quebec or PlayNow. However, their results haven’t been the best.

  1. Coral
  2. 888 casino
  3. Bet365
  4. Betfair
  5. Unibet

Kinds of Poker Games

Texas Hold’em

This is probably the most famous game. Almost all casinos in the world allow its visitors to play it, and many important international tournaments involve playing this kind. Some sub-variations exist, but they tend to have a few key features in common. Five community cards are put at the center of the table, while every player is dealt a hand of two cards. In Texas Hold’em players must create their winning combinations by taking a total of five cards, between what they possess in their hands and the community ones.


This is pretty similar to Texas Hold’em. The biggest difference is that all gamblers be dealt four cards instead of two. For creating their groups of five cards that they need to win a round, they are only allowed to use two of the four cards that they have.


Here no community cards are used. In some sub-variations players employ hands containing five cards, while in others they have seven instead. In the latter case, some of the cards are kept face down, this means that only a specific player can see it, while other cards also belong to a single player but everybody in the room can see them. Different sub-variations can have a larger or a smaller number of rounds. This variation of the game offers tons of different possibilities.

How we Rate Canadian Poker Sites?

Many aspects are taken into account before considering whether a poker site available in Canada is good or not. Let’s review some of them.


Bonuses and promotions are the key for many top websites to attract new customers. However, they must always be looked at in a cautious manner. Not because the site could try to trick you, but because the terms and conditions of those promos may make it not worth it. Some of the key aspects that customers should consider when looking at a bonus are:

  • Wagering requirements
  • Deposits
  • Payouts
  • Expiry dates

Some bonuses may promise huge amounts. However, players may only withdraw their winnings after wagering an obscene amount of money. Once again, take your time to learn and comprehend the terms and conditions in each case.

Amount of players

There is no point in signing up to a poker website if its low traffic does not allow to gather enough people at a table to have some fun. This is one of the main reasons why some poker sites fail.


There are many online poker places out there with tournaments that have low stakes in order to be more beginner-friendly. At the same time, these tournaments can give really huge rewards. For this reason this can be a valid factor to take into account before choosing a poker platform.


There are many ways on which the software used can affect the experience. At first, the interface must be easy to understand and to use. Otherwise players can get lost when trying to find a table, or simply make an unintended play because of their confusion.

Another aspect where software plays a key role, is what platforms it can be accessed from. For example, some poker platforms may be completely web based, meaning that regardless if a customer wants to play from a computer or from a smartphone, the only way to access it is by using a web browser. On the other hand, other companies may offer their own applications that players can download in their computers and/or their mobile gadgets. In this case, it is really up to the player to choose what platform they feel most comfortable with.


This might be the most invisible among all these aspects that rate a poker website as good or bad. However, it is probably the most important. Customers should pay attention to the licenses given to the website. If it has been licensed by countries such as the UK, Malta or Canada itself, or an organization like eCOGRA, then the website can be trusted. On the other hand, if the information about licenses is not available, or is too difficult to find, this should serve as a warning to the eventual customer.

Banking methods

Last but not least, people want as much flexibility as possible to both deposit and withdraw their cash. Credit cards are available in all serious online poker portals. Some of them also work with different digital wallet and online payment services, such as PayPal or Skrill. It is recommended to also put attention to the average withdrawal processing time. They can vary between casinos, and also between banking options within a single casino. They can range between a day to a week or even more, so pay attention to this if you want to receive your money rewards as fast as possible.

How to play poker online?

After choosing an online poker website by taking into account the aforementioned factors, people should learn a few concepts about the game itself, for getting the best possible gaming experience and maximize their chances of winning.

Ranking of the best poker hands

Below there will be a list of the top poker hands, sorted from best to worst.

  • Five of a kind. Four cards of the same kind plus a joker
  • Straight Flush or Royal Flush. Getting a 10, J, Q, K and A from the same suit
  • Four of a kind
  • Full house. Three of a kind plus a pair
  • Flush. Five cards of the same suit
  • Straight. Five cards of consecutive values
  • Three of a kind
  • Double pairs
  • Single pair
  • High card. The player doesn’t get any particular arrangement and his only chances depend on his highest valued card
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